One of the most important elements of a perfect BLT is, of course, the bacon. There should be a lot of it and it should be fried all the way ...
What is Tomato Concassé and Why Should You Care?
Tomato concassé is simply tomatoes that have been peeled, seeded, chopped and drained. It is a basic ingredient in countless recipes and is very easy to make.

After you've peeled and seeded tomatoes, put them on a clean work surface and use a sharp knife to chop them into small bits. Do not use a food processor to do this, as it will incorporate air and cause unpleasant foam to form. Have that strainer set over a deep bowl and as you chop, use the flat of the knife to transfer the chopped tomatoes to the strainer.
When all the tomatoes have been chopped, stir in about half a teaspoon of kosher salt and let drain for about 30 minutes, stirring now and then.
What is left in the strainer is your concassé; what is in the bowl is delicious tomato liquid, sometimes called tomato water. You can make a great Bloody Mary with it or simply pour it into a glass, add a pinch of salt and a squeeze of lemon and drink it down. It is wonderfully refreshing on a hot summer day.
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